mikewalter268Jan 23, 20244 min readWhat Is Imbolc? #117What is Imbolc? Our connection to the universe and to nature is something many people take for granted. The teachings of our ancestors...
mikewalter268Dec 18, 20234 min readMerry Yule! Deprogramming ChristmasWhat is Yule? Deprogramming Christmas. Growing up in a Western Christian society I celebrated many holidays that I had no idea the origin...
mikewalter268Oct 24, 20233 min readWhat Is Animism?What Is Animism? Exploring all types of beliefs in all cultures, particularly indigenous cultures, is part of my spiritual journey. I...
mikewalter268Sep 5, 20234 min readSamhain: Discovering Pagan FestivalsSamhain:Discovering Pagan Festivals Samhain: (sah-win) Have I ever told you that my day of birth for this life is October 31st? As I look...