Are Ghosts Interdimensional Beings?
Growing up I was never interested in watching horror movies or the paranormal. I did not like to be scared, and I avoided them at all costs. I missed out on the Jason's, Freddie's and Michael's throughout my childhood. Interesting enough, my name is Michael and I was born on Halloween. You would have thought I would be the person to embrace the paranormal and horror genre. That just did not happen.
Fast forward 40 years and now I am married to my soulmate who loves the paranormal and the horror genre. Now I enjoy all of it with her. You can say she converted me.
Watching many documentaries on the paranormal and spirits has created many questions in my mind. What exactly are the ghosts that you see moving objects, slamming doors and responding to paranormal investigators through their equipment?
I know there are several different kinds of entities that could be haunting or present in a certain place. Spirits, ghosts, demons,poltergeists, elementals, and even aliens to name a few. They all have different ways of presenting themselves and can come from different places. My focus on this blog is generally the spirits or ghosts who are not necessarily "hostile", but as some investigators put it, "they just need to be moved on.
What exactly are these spirits and where did they come from? Are these entities that are present the spirits of those who have passed on and who are not able to move on and are trapped and stuck here? Do they have unresolved issues or perhaps unsolved deaths that they are trying to tell someone about? Are they still here because they know a loved one is in danger and they need protection or guidance? To me, those are all valid reasons and possible answers to what these ghosts may be.
But my brain also has a different thought process too. What if they are people like you and me trapped between dimensions. Or, perhaps, living in a parallel universe that is connected to ours by magnetic forces in certain areas. I think of the movie Interstellar when this hypothesis comes to mind. What we hear or what we see may be the actions of those in the other dimension trying to get our attention.
In the parallel universe the people are just living their everyday lives wherever that may be, and we are able to hear them and sometimes get a shadowy glimpse of them as well.
What if it is the same for them? What if they can hear us in their other dimension or universe? Maybe they think they are seeing and hearing ghosts too. Or, maybe they are more advanced than us and understand everything that is happening.
What are your thoughts on this? Are ghosts Interdimensional spirits? Spirits that need to move on? Or those from a parallel universe?
I look forward to your responses. While I am waiting, I have 40 years of horror to catch up on.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voice of the unheard
