Brain Fog- A Blog to Bring Awareness
Greetings! This is a quick blog on the definition of brain fog and asking for people to join The Ancestors Fire in raising awareness to change our healthcare system.
Brain fog can be a symptom of chronic illness or mental illness. It can happen to anyone. It can also be a symptom that can lead to someone having anxiety and depression.
If you experience brain fog or love someone who does, you are aware of how upsetting it is to not remember or think of simple things like you used to be able to.
Some of the symptoms of brain fog are poor concentration, confusion, thinking slowly, fuzzy thoughts, forgetfulness, lost words and mental fatigue.
Brain fog is just not a mental disease, but can be a physical one as well. The tiredness and fatigue will be felt in the body and result in pain.
As with most chronic illnesses, there is no cure for brain fog. The best thing you can do is try to get good sleep if possible, exercise and eat healthy.
We must continue to bring awareness to the chronic health issues our society faces.
We must continue to bring awareness to the mental health issues our society faces.
We must bring awareness to the brain fog that many people face on a daily basis.
We must bring awareness to the lack of cures and assistance in our health system.
People need to know they are not alone and we are beside them fighting with them.
We do not need to fix our Healthcare system, We need to change it.
Brain Fog Awareness!
Mental Illness Awareness!
Chronic Illness Awareness!
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
