I Spoke to the Spirits of 2 Cherokee.
The following blog is written to explain the experience I had of seeing the spirits of 2 Cherokee warriors on a hike and later in the day meeting them during my meditation.
I set out today to go on a hike with my soulmate through the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. We set out on a journey through the beautiful forest. We followed along a mountain stream throughout our hike. We faced many stream crossings, saw many plants and fungi and we were just connecting with nature, the forest and the universe.
About 1 mile into our hike we came upon a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the forest. I stopped and just stared at the sight before me connecting with the forest and the waterfall. As I looked closer I saw 2 Cherokee warriors come out from behind the waterfall and walk off into the forest and disappear. I told my soulmate about what I saw as we continued on our journey. I did not experience anything else during that hike.
Later that night I went into my meditation and met my spirit guide Sagefeather. He told me that I did see the 2 Cherokee warriors earlier in the day. He told me that they were still in that area of the forest and he was going to take me to meet them during my meditation. We began to travel and arrived at the waterfall I found in the forest.
The 2 Cherokee warriors came out of the forest and stood before me. I looked at them and said " Hello, I come in peace and goodwill and I mean you no harm. I saw you in the forest earlier today and I am now back to talk to you. Is there anything I can do to help you or is there anything you need?"
The Cherokee warriors stared at me for a couple of seconds and then responded saying this,
" Yes, it was us that you saw. We saw you walking on the trail. We see all the visitors and travelers on this trail. We are the ancestors of the forest and we watch over it. We saw you walking with the woman and could see and know how you both care about and love the land. When you come to this land remember it belongs to the Earth and many people have lived on it. It belonged to our people many moons ago. Our people were driven from this land by the white man. Many men walk these trails through this land happily and full of joy and laughter. They do not remember we were forced to walk a trail of tears, sadness, despair and death. We are good people. We will share our land with those who love the earth and love one another and who want to care for the Earth and one another. But those who seek to destroy it, to trash it and do evil things on it, we don't want them here. It hurts to no longer see the buffalo dwell on the land. To see the hawk choke on the smoke from the big metal flying bird. To see the beaver forced to leave the dried up stream. To see the bear without a home. The trees chopped down for the greedy and their fancy dwellings."
They paused and allowed me to take in everything they were saying. Then they started to speak again, " What can you do to help us? You can let others know the things we have told you. You can be an example and a voice for the Earth and the universe. Before coming onto the land, recognize the ancestors and what they have lost and gave up. Treat the land as if it is your home, because it is. Talk to the trees and plants and animals. Talk to the spirits. Ask permission before touching or taking anything. Let us see and know you care and understand. Enjoy the beauty and healing that nature provides. Clean it up and protect it. We are all one. We are connected. Thank you for coming to us. Thank you for listening to us. Thank you for being our voice in a world where people don't believe or see us. We will see you in the forest again soon. Travel safely.
When they finished speaking they went back into the forest and disappeared. After they disappeared Sagefeather and I journeyed back to the fire at the beginning of my meditations and my meditation ended.
This was one of my first experiences connecting with spirits. I listened to them and I want to bring honor to their wishes. I have passed this story along before and I will continue to so that attention can be brought to the importance of this message from the Cherokee spirits.
Let's honor and respect the spirits of the land. Let's honor and respect the land.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
