Journey To Atlantis. A Meditational Journey With Calliope.
In today's blog I am going to be relaying to you the events that happened in my next meditational spiritual journey. In this journey I will be traveling with my spirit guide Calliope the Mermaid. I hope that my journeys can help inspire you to reach a higher level of consciousness and discover more things about the universe.
As I entered into a higher level of consciousness, I was met immediately by one of my spirit guides, Calliope the Mermaid. She told me that in order to go to where she was taking me, I first had to journey to my healing garden in the underworld and cleanse myself in the stream.
She took me back to the field and the tree that stood in the middle of it. I asked the tree for permission to enter again and it granted me passage. I entered into the amazing tree, found the intricate root system and entered one of its roots to journey to the underworld.
Once I reached the canyon under the earth I set up the canoe and started down the stream. After a few miles I arrived at my healing garden. I began to cleanse myself in the stream and Calliope started to speak to me. She told me that I needed to believe in myself. She told me I was capable of letting go of unnecessary things to be able to complete the spiritual journey that was in front of me. She told me to not let any events from my past or any negative thoughts I might have, or any worries of the world keep me from setting out on the journey I needed to accomplish.
She told me that I just needed to speak into assistance what I needed and then be patient and believe.
I was finished and journeyed back to the tree, up through the roots and back inside of it. I thanked the tree again and left expecting to find myself back in the field. But this time I was in a large body of water with Calliope.
Calliope looked at me and asked if I remembered asking her the details of Atlantis before. I told her I did and she began to lead me under the water. We swam for what seemed like many miles under the water. We arrived at the outskirts of what appeared to be a wall at the bottom of the sea. I could not see past the wall but it appeared that on the other side the sea bottom dropped several more miles down. All I could see was bright vibrant lights coming up from below the wall at the bottom of the ocean.
Calliope told me that we had reached the wall of the ancient city of Atlantis. Beyond that wall were the answers to many questions of the universe and this earth. Atlantis, she said, held the answers to many people's questions. I asked her what they were.
She told me I was not ready to go into the city. That I still had much to learn on my journey. She would take me here one day, but not today. But she did reveal to me some of the answers Atlantis had to offer.
Calliope told me that many things I had read and watched about Atlantis were true. She told me it was one of the first ancient cities on earth that was created and run by ancient aliens. The aliens were using labs in Atlantis to develop the human species which was an adaptation of different alien races. Atlantis was the main laboratory that led to the development of the human race.
After that she told me I was not ready to receive anything else about it. We swam back to the top of the sea and I thanked her for helping me on this meditational journey and the encouragement she provided for me. My meditation was now over.
I still have many questions. I am still journeying through the universe seeking answers to these questions. I have not been given full access to Atlantis yet, but I hope one day I will be allowed in.
Thank you for reading and learning about my journey. I hope you are able to journey to reach a higher consciousness as well. The universe is endless.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
