Spiritual Journey to Africa
I was excited to begin my meditation. One of the things I do when I prepare to meditate is to think of specific questions I may have for the Universe. I have to be in a place of total relaxation, letting go of the presence of my body and mind allowing myself to enter into a higher level of consciousness.
On this day, the chronic pain that my soulmate suffers from was tremendously hard on her and kept her hurting and upset all day. Her suffering and pain were on my mind, and I decided that was going to be my question for the Universe.
I began my meditation and entered into the higher level of consciousness I needed to be able to hear and see what the Universe had for me. I needed this higher level of consciousness to be able to journey to other places during my meditation.
The Koala, one of my spirit animals, appeared to me first, and requested for me to follow it. I journeyed with the Koala into a lush green forest. We walked a distance that seemed like it would take several hours, but I knew it had only been minutes. We arrived at the edge of the forest and the Koala stopped while motioning me to continue on.
I walked out of the forest into what appeared to be a settlement living off the Earth. I saw many huts with straw roofs throughout the settlement. The view was out of a movie, primitive, but yet so beautiful. I could tell, and I knew for some reason, that I was in Africa. I admired the quality of the straw on one of the roofs. I could feel myself reaching to touch it. To feel what kind of texture they used to build the roof to protect them. Before I could touch it, several young boys came running to greet me. I asked them to take me to the chief of the village.
The boys walked me to a hut in the center of the village and motioned for me to go inside. I noticed the hut seemed larger than the others as I walked inside. I looked around at the inside of the hut, which contained very little items, and I noticed the chief sitting on the ground towards the back right hand corner.
The Chief stood and welcomed me to his village. He told me that he had been waiting for me, the Universe had told him I would be visiting soon. I thought about everything I had seen and tried to determine what year or time I was in. After thinking about it, I realized I was in a dimension where time doesn't exist.
I asked the chief if I was brought here by the Koala to help him and his village. The chief looked at me and told me no, I was there for him to help me. I don't know why, maybe it was my preparation, but I quickly blurted out that I was seeking help for my soulmate's pain.
The Chief looked at me and smiled. The smile turned to a small grin and he told me, "do you think if the Universe told me you would be visiting, that it also would not tell me why?" He told me that his village had prepared a special ceremony and dance later that night, just for my wife and her pain. He said it would not heal her, but it would help her have the strength to fight against it.
I started to thank him, but then a weird feeling came over me. I then started feeling myself being pulled back towards the Koala and the forest. I quickly realized I was being pulled out of my higher consciousness, I was being pulled out of the village and back to my own dimension. I quickly thanked the chief, and he told me he was honored to have me there and I could come anytime I wanted. I then was pulled away and I was back in my living room. My Spiritual Journey to Africa had ended.
I had really wanted to stay and learn from the chief. I knew that was why I was there.
I wanted to attend the ceremony for my wife. This was one of my first spiritual journeys and I had a lot to learn. And I did over time.
I would travel again at different times to meet the chief. His name is To' Kani and he became one of my Spirit Guides. Now, everytime I meditate and start out at the fire, he is there waiting for me in case I choose him as my guide. I have traveled with him and been able to go to many ceremonies with him.
I was encouraged, and so was my soulmate by the Journey. I have been on journeys to many places, but I will always remember fondly my journey to Africa and meeting the chief. It was my first one, and it encouraged me. Most importantly, it helped my soulmate have the additional strength needed to fight her sickness the next day.
Do you journey? Don't get discouraged if you do not get answers right away. They will come through patience, practice and persistence. Your spirit guides are there to help you and will not leave you. Hopefully one day you will have your own journey to Africa.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voice of the unheard
