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My UFO Experience


Do You Believe in UFOs?

At the time of preparing this blog, Congress was conducting hearings with former military personnel and whistle-blowers. I thought it would be a great time to share my own UFO experience.

The first well known UFO sighting happened in 1947 near Mount Rainier, Washington. However, UFOs can be seen through the course of history. From written documents of Massachusetts settlers in the 1600's, all the way back to drawings on cave walls, UFO's have been reported across the Earth.

I am one to believe that Aliens developed the human race that populates the Earth, that is for another blog, and continue to visit us and help our development and existence. Sometimes I think we are so focused with what is out there in space, we forget about the unexplored areas on our planet.

I could spend days talking about pyramids, secret underwater bases, Antarctica bases, Area 51 and on and on and on. There is so much to research and discover about alien life. However, I want to focus this blog on my own, little, UFO experience.

On Thursday, June 15th 2023, I had just finished meditating and was calm and relaxed. As I finished, I felt a prompting that I should walk outside. I walked out my backdoor into the darkness of the night. I walked around to the front of the house, strolling slowly, staring at the beauty of the night sky. The crickets were chirping a beautiful song and the stars were flashing. It was another beautiful night in the mountains.

Across the road from my house is a local power plant. It has been a frustrating experience having it near my home, but I still have a wonderful view of the mountains. On this night, as I stared out at that Mountain view, I saw a strange light floating over it. The light disappeared and then came back on at the exact same spot. It was at this point I began my filming. The light hovered for a few more seconds and then started to move towards me. Then it started to move Northwest towards the power plant. It was at this point that I saw a second light come from the South. It was the same type of bright light. It was the same shape and moved at the same speed. It followed the other light towards the power plant and then both lights disappeared.

I submitted the video to a well known UFO research organization. They were great at taking my report and following up with me. I was interviewed by an experienced Area 51 investigator. Watching the video, he said that they had to rule out what it wasn't first. It wasn't a plane, drone, satellite, weather balloon or natural event. His exact words were "You got something" But. There is always a but. Without being able to see an actual craft in the image, they had to report it as, drumroll, floating lanterns. Ok, it does not look like that to me. One even changed direction and disappeared. But he was right, I have no evidence of a craft. With that, he advised me to keep watching the sky and let them know when I get a picture of the craft.

That was my first UFO experience. I look at the sky every night, and I know what I saw. I stand behind what I saw. I will continue to watch the sky every night and wait for the Aliens to visit me again. Yes, I believe in UFO's and have experienced seeing one. I am encouraged by the increase in people coming forward demanding the truth. What about you? Do you believe? Do you have an experience? Let's be part of the voices to speak out for the UFOs and let the world know they are real.


By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing the Voice of the Unheard

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