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Updated: Feb 15, 2024


I have written many blogs about my spiritual journeys. I have written many blogs about health issues, ancestors, places, graveyards, paranormal topics, and individual people. I have researched material and written what the Universe or spiritual guides have given me during meditational journeys. But I have not explored any details of my individual journey. I have also referred to my soulmate in many of my blogs, but have not given much detail about her. So why not today do a blog on soulmates. Soulmates Michael and Rebekah. The story of how we found each other in this lifetime and our journeys merged together.

It was the fall of 1998. I was well into my 7th year of working for Walmart. I had recently been through a divorce and my life was spiraling in the wrong direction. I needed something to bring a change to my life before things got beyond repair. I gave my concern over to the universe to bring me the change I needed.

Rebekah was a young mother who had recently been through a divorce. She had 2 young children that she had given up her nursing career to take care of. She wasn't looking to meet anybody new and had given that possibility over to the universe to make that happen when the time was right.

We hadn't met yet, but we both had a couple things in common. We both had gone through a rough first marriage and separation, we both were trying to let the universe guide our lives and the last thing is the most unbelievable. Before she became a nurse, Rebekah had worked part-time at Walmart, the same Walmart that I worked at, at the same time I was working there. It was several years before 1998 and we had never met and never knew each other existed at the time.

In October of 1998 Rebekah decided she needed to take her youngest daughter, who had recently celebrated her 1st birthday, shopping for some new clothes. She decided to go to Walmart. She had been at the store for a little bit and her daughter was getting cranky. Rebekah took a balloon off of a clothing rack and gave it to her daughter to calm her while she shopped.

I was an assistant manager assigned to the apparel area of the Walmart store. I was walking towards the girls apparel department and Rebekah caught my eye. Immediately something about her drew my attention to her. I was mesmerized by her beauty and felt that I needed to stop and "tour" that department. Rebekah sensed she was being watched, looked up and our eyes met. She smiled at me, I smiled back, but couldn't say anything. ( She would later tell me that she thought that I was following her because she had taken the balloon). Little did we realize that it would be the first time we gazed into each others eyes.

One of the managers in the department observed what was going on and approached me. She asked me if I wanted her to introduce us. My heart said yes, but shyness blurted out no. Well she didn't listen to me, and proceeded to strike up a conversation with Rebekah. She came back and gave me the scoop on her and proceeded to bring me over to her to introduce us. Finally, I had met this young woman that had caught my eye. We talked to each other for just a short time. Then she left to finish her shopping. Nothing else happened at the time. Just a general conversation. Little did we both know that we had just met our soulmates for the first time.

I would see her a couple of more times in the store shopping. Then one day I ran into her at the service desk in the store. She was having an issue with a return. I helped her get the return done and then she asked me if I could walk around the store with her. We walked and talked and got to know each other a little more. As she was ready to leave I asked her if I could have her phone number. I also asked her if she was ready to talk to someone after her divorce. She smiled and I think my question caught her off guard. She said she was ready to at least be friends and we exchanged numbers with each other.

After a couple of hour long phone calls and getting to know each other even more we finally went on our first date. That led to several more dates and many fun times together. Before you knew it, she was hanging out with me in the evenings watching ER and eating Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream together.

Six months after meeting her that day in the apparel department of Wal-Mart, she became my wife. We made a short drive to the Courthouse in Winchester VA, we met with the Justice of the Peace and on April 20th, 1999 we were married.

This is the story of how the universe helped two soulmates find each other in this lifetime. The best thing that ever happened in my 22 year career at Wal-Mart was the day I met my soulmate. 25 years later the love for my soulmate, my wife, my lover, my valentine, is stronger and greater than it ever has been.

Soulmate, what a journey it has been for us. Finding you in this lifetime has changed my life. You are an amazing person who I love dearly. It encouages me to know that I have you by my side as we face the challenges of this world together. We have had our ups and downs on this journey together, but we always find our way back to each other (like we always do) because we are meant to be together forever. Your love and being fulfills me and sustains me and the radiant beauty of your soul brings me comfort and peace. On our 25th Valentines day together I want you to know I am thankful that we found each other in this lifetime, I am thankful that you are my companion, partner and valentine. I am thankful for our love. I am thankful for you. I am thankful for my soulmate. I love you!


Blessed Be!

By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing The voices of the unheard

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Rebekah Walters
Feb 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I don't have the gift of being able to translate or express my feelings, emotions and thoughts as well as you but I do know and recognize how blessed I am to have you as my soulmate. I wouldn't want another to do this journey with! I love you so very much Michael and I am forever grateful and humbled that you've chosen me.

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The Ancestor's Fire Hiking Adventures 


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