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Starseeds: Humanity's Hope For the Future #19

Updated: Jan 27, 2024

Starseeds- Humanity's Hope For the Future

For many years I would often find myself drawn to stare at the night sky. I remember as a child getting a telescope as a gift and thinking it was the greatest thing to get to view the stars up close. I never understood why I have been drawn to the stars and planets, but through my new spiritual journey those answers would be revealed to me.

My Spiritual Journey has taken me many places. Through my meditations, I have been able to journey to many far away places and meet many interesting people. On one journey, I met one of my spirit guides, an Arcturian named Tygon from the star system Arcturus. It was during this meeting that it was revealed to me that I was Arcturian in a past life and, yes, I am a starseed.

A starseed is a being who has lived previously on Earth and also has experienced life in other parts of the universe.

Most people do not realize they are a starseed until they are ready to make that journey deep into their soul. It is there that they discover inner wisdom and special abilities that have been dormant waiting to be used.

You may wonder if you are a starseed.

If you realized that you are not like everyone else, like you don't belong, then that may indicate you are a starseed. If you are drawn to and desire the galaxy, stars and planets then you may be a starseed. I find it interesting that every night that I go outside, Arcturus is shining bright above my house. I am immediately drawn to it and can watch it for hours.

Starseeds like to discuss things dealing with extraterrestrials and even the paranormal. They are always looking to their guides and rely on their wisdom to lead them through life.

Serving humanity is the primary focus for a starseed. They want to help others to ascend to a higher consciousness and a higher dimension and to not be stuck in the three dimensional matrix on Earth.

Starseeds are not rare. There are many of us and most come from the Pleiades, Sirus, Orion, Arcturus and Andromeda systems.

If you feel like the universe may be sending you signs and you have a strong sense of intuition, your spiritual awakening may be starting. If you are drawn to ancient civilizations and start remembering past lives, your spiritual awakening is starting. You may discover soon that you too are a starseed.

Most of the Earth's population goes about their daily lives not realizing they are programmed to operate and live in a matrix. Their sense of being is programmed in them and they are who the matrix tells them to be.

It is the role of the starseed to help those people who are starting to discover there is more out there than this programming.

It is the role of the starseed to help those who are beginning to awaken to learn they are not who the matrix programmed them to be.

It is the role of the starseed to help humanity move to a higher consciousness and a higher dimension.

If we all discovered our true inner soul and obtained this higher consciousness, we could bring down the controlling matrix and make this Earth a wonderful place for all.

I am a starseed. I am here to help humanity.

Are you ready to journey with me?

By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard

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