We live in a world where the modern society is trying to wipe out the languages of the minority cultures.
The first two that come to my mind without researching are the Gaelic language of Scotland and the Cherokee language right here in my own backyard. There are many more minority cultures that the world is trying to change forever.
However, there is one tradition that is keeping them alive. Oral History. Oral history involves passing down stories and tales in the native tongue often with the help of song and dance.
Some of the specific traditions doing just that are the Native American oral traditions in the United States, the Sean-nos song in Irish culture, the Aboriginal oral traditions in Australia, and many, many more.

This is why The Ancestors Fire is so important. It is not just about hanging out at the fire having a good time. It's about passing on and preserving the culture of our Ancestors. It's about keeping the language and traditions of our cultures alive. It's about not giving into the pressures of society, but pushing back against them, not conforming to the mold someone wants you to be, but being the descendant you are supposed to be.
It is also important for Ancestral Healing. Learning from tales, stories and songs from our ancestors not only guides us on how to manage life in this universe, but also helps us to learn and change the mistakes of the past. When we learn these stories of mistakes and change our lives, we can prevent repeat mistakes and help bring ancestral healing to our family line.
One of the most important responsibilities in my life is to keep my culture alive. To study and learn my culture and who my ancestors are. To pass on those traditions anyway possible, including orally. I want to honor my ancestors and educate my descendants to keep the cultures that make me who I am safe from a society wanting me to conform to who they want me to be . I am taking my seat at the Ancestors Fire.
Michael Walters
Freelance Writer specializing in genealogical research, ancestral history and ancestral healing