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The Arcturians

The Arcturians.

Most human beings will tell you that there is not any life other than what is on Earth. We have been programmed to think that it is impossible for other beings and civilizations to exist beyond the human sapiens.

But for those who have been able to awaken past the programming, we understand that there is a universe of other dimensions, beings and civilizations existing beyond the 3rd dimensional Earth.

One of those civilizations of beings are the Arcturians. Many people would call the Arcturians aliens. But what exactly is an alien? Why do we use that term?

In today's blog, I will introduce you to the Arcturians. After all, I have an Arcturian Spirit Guide who I channel and I was an Arcturian in a past life. So let's get to know one of the beings who exist in the universe with us.

Arcturians are from the planet Arcturus, which is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation. The name in Latin means guardian of the bear.

Arcturus is the 4th brightest star in the night sky. When I go outside at night during the summer, it shines brightly above my house. Arcturus is estimated to be 6 billion years old and just a little bit larger than the sun.

Arcturians are a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization. They want to peacefully share their wisdom and knowledge with the people on Earth.

The Arcturians are currently guarding Earth to help heal the planet and raise its vibrational energy. They are believed to be involved in Earth's evolution.

They are short and slender, having greenish-bluish skin. They have almond shaped eyes and only three fingers. They are able to communicate telepathically and move things with their minds.

Arcturuans can live up to 400 years but do not die of old age. They leave their world once their spiritual contract is completed.

They are masters of their emotions and thoughts.

The Arcturians teach the most fundamental ingredient for living in the 5th dimension is love. They work closely with the Brotherhood of All and the Galactic Command.

I have been able to travel and meet an Arcturian named Tygon. I have visited an Acturian ship and attended meetings of the Arcturian Council. Tygon has told me that I was an Arcturuan in a past life, which makes me a starseed in this life.

I think it is important to follow the teachings and the guidance of the Arcturians. They are a future model of our society. We need to have unconditional love throughout our society to achieve the Arcturian lifestyle.

The Arcturians are friendly and want to help us achieve the higher dimensional levels we are all capable of. They want to teach us how to control our human bodies, while giving ourselves over to our soul to lead us to new places. We must learn to die to self.

The Arcturians are also protecting us from the evils of the Universe. They keep a close eye on the secret military operations, the controlling elite, and those who use extraterrestrial technology to develop hybrids disguised as extraterrestrials. Be aware of the false narratives of secret military operations, project Blue Book and the media.

I celebrate my connection to the Arcturians.

I know why I get excited and feel close to home when I see the planet Arcturus. Being a starseed here on Earth I want to help others achieve the same higher level of consciousness, love and peace that I am seeking.

I want to help you as well. If I can help you in your meditations, journeys or travels please let me know. That is the Arcturian way!


By Michael Walters

The Ancestor's Fire

Writing the voices of the unheard

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