The Box Turtle
In today's blog we are going to learn about another creature of the universe. This past summer, this creature made its first ever appearance in my backyard. It’s journey that led it into our yard also led it into our path and our spiritual journey. I want to learn more about the Box Turtle.
Box turtles can be easily identified by their high domed shells and stumpy looking feet. They have brown to almost black skin and red, yellow and orange spotting.
They will hibernate for about three months during the winter season. They stop eating in the fall, but barely lose any weight during their hibernation. It creates a very shallow burrow to hibernate in, only needing Temps to be between 36 to 50 degrees.
They are reptiles and belong to the large Turtle family. You will most likely see them in the wild after a heavy rain or during the hottest parts of the season. They spend their time foraging in tall grasses near bodies of water. They are capable of pulling their head and legs inside of their shell creating a box.
They are one of the most widely distributed Turtle species. Certain species are protected in several states and are listed in endangered species as threatened.
Box turtles rarely exceed 9 inches in length. The average size ranges between 4 to 6 inches. They are omnivorous, eating a diet of plants, insects and amphibians. It is normal for them to prey on different types of aquatic life and eggs. They tend to have more of a meat diet when they are young and transition to a vegetarian diet as they age. If food is hard to find, you may see some adult box turtles eating worms, snails, beetles, flies and mushrooms.
Box turtles can live 30 to 40 years and it's believed they could live up to 100 years in captivity. Males tend to grow larger and are more colorful. Female box turtles seek out sunny areas to lay their eggs. They find warm soil and create a hole with their hind feet. Even though they are active during the daylight hours, the females will use the cover of darkness to lay their eggs. They will lay 3 to 6 eggs and then cover the hole with soil leaving the eggs to hatch on their own. Hatching can take 2 to 3 months and is usually late in the season.
The Box Turtle has become one of my spirit animals. The turtle spirit animal symbolizes wisdom, luck, and longevity. When a Turtle visits you it is often a sign of good luck and protection. They are associated with long life, patience, stability and determination.
I was happy to see the Turtle cross our path and visit our backyard. I'm glad it found safety and felt the connection to be a part of our spiritual journey. I thought at the time that the Turtle had laid some eggs in the yard, but I was never able to find any evidence of hatching.
The Box Turtle. Another unique creature journeying with us through the universe. Just like the Koala, I look forward to hearing the message the box turtle wants me to share with the universe. It will come through the universe and I will share it with you when I receive it.
Blessed Be!
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
