The Haunting of Old Davis Place.
I don't usually remember my dreams. I dream every night, my consciousness takes me on many journeys and I wish I could remember them. I often wonder what they mean, what they symbolize and if they may be past life experiences.
One of my recent dreams I was able to remember everything that happened. It was very realistic and combined events of my past with future events and a lesson for all of us to consider. I know it's another part of my spiritual journey that the universe wants me to share with others.
Before I get into the dream, let me share with you a part of my past. I had recently transferred to a new location for my job and needed to find a new home for my family. After a few days of searching we found an amazing home that we all loved. The home was in the middle of nowhere far from any nearby town. It was the site where the old Davis farm had been. Once the owners of the farm passed away it was sold and divided into 5 different parcels with 5 homes built on them. A gravel road would provide access to the homes from the secondary road that ran through the countryside.
This home that we wanted to buy had several bedrooms and was built on 20 acres of land. We were able to buy the home and 10 acres while the current owners kept the other 10 acres. A year after we purchased the home, the prior owners decided to sell the other 10 acres they had kept. We decided to get this 10 acres of land too and were able to negotiate a deal. We now had the other 10 acres which had a barn and fenced-in pasture on it. A small stream ran through both pieces of property.
My family loved the home and enjoyed the land that the universe had provided for us. What we did not realize is that the home came with some paranormal happenings. Throughout our years of living in the home we would experience many paranormal happenings. My soulmate would see a black cat walk from the hallway into a bedroom and disappear. The children's toys in the basement would turn on at night and start working, even the ones missing batteries. One of my children would have her covers pulled off of her with nobody else in the room. I would even experience it myself. I was laying on a mattress in one of my children's rooms and woke up at 3: 30 in the morning. Everyone was asleep in the house. As I was laying there awake I heard a voice from the hallway say “Michael, Come here.” Many other things would happen and the noises and closing of doors would always increase when we would do any type of remodeling. We would eventually have to relocate from the area and had to put the home and land up for sale. Before we finally moved out of our home, the wooded area across the gravel road in front of our house began to be excavated for new development. Tree after tree would be cut down. We could hear the sound of the saw and the fall of each tree as it was removed from this world. The heavily wooded land that my children would explore and go on adventures in quickly became a barren land full of stumps, leftover branches and dirt ready for the new development.
With that little piece of events from my past we can now look at what happened In my dream. The dream happened in 2 parts and I can still see, feel and remember all of it. The very first part of my dream I was back in the house meeting with a new set of owners. We were in the same bedroom where I heard the voice call out my name and we had done some renovation with the walls. The new owners and myself were discussing the paranormal happenings that go on in the house. They had experienced some of the same ones as me. We were debating what they could mean, who the spirits may be, and what message did they have. There never was a feeling of fear with any of the paranormal events, so I knew there had to be a message. As a family we had often wondered who the spirits could be.
My dream quickly shifted to the second phase. I was no longer in the house with the new owners. I was by myself, in the woods behind this house. It was part of the 10 acres we initially bought. The woods were just as I remembered them to be. I was standing at the edge, where the yard met the forest. Before me I could walk a couple of feet into the woods and then the land sloped down into a ravine, where the small creek trickled through on its way to the pasture and barn. It was exactly as I remembered it, and I quickly realized I didn't appreciate what the Universe had given me when I had it. In my dream I started walking down into the forest, crossed over the creek in the ravine, and climbed up the hill on the other side. I reached the top of the hill and moved forward through the woods. I arrived at the old barbed wire fence that I remembered had separated my land from my neighbor and divided my 10 acres from the 10 acres that contained the barn and pasture. Once I climbed over this fence I would be in the top part of the pasture. I traveled along the barbed wire until I found the fence post I would use to scale the fence. I found it and quickly made my way over the fence excited to see what the old pasture looked like. But when I got to the other side, I was astonished at what I saw. The pasture was gone. The trees were gone. The barn was gone. Instead, I stood on a paved road surrounded by houses and stores. The land and the forest had been taken and converted into homes, shops and roads. Instead of being in the woods in the middle of nowhere I was standing in a populated busy town. Then just as quick as it started, my dream ended.
So what was the meaning, the message of the dream? It is a message many don't want to hear or adhere to. It was also a message that would help me understand who those spirits were in that home and what they wanted. The humans on this planet are tearing down the forests that we need to survive. Eventually there will not be any forests left. Those trees and plants are living beings and with each cut of the saw we are taking their lives. The birds and animals that live in the forests are having their homes taken away and their environment destroyed at the expense of the greed of the human population. A human population that is not satisfied with the little things needed to just survive and are driven by the desire for more, more, and more so that they can be bigger and better than the human next to them. We need to bring more awareness to the destruction that is going on around us. It is difficult to expect humans to respect the lives within the forest community when they continually kill each other in unnecessary wars and conflicts.
What about the spirits? I think the spirits in that home were the spirits of the land. Spirits of indigenous people who lived and used the land long before any population came there. They know human growth and destruction is coming and they want the land saved. They were trying to communicate to us to save the land. Do not do any renovations inside or outside. This brings me to the infamous quote “ if only I knew then what I know now”. If I understood my gifts then, my role then, I would have tried to communicate with them. I would have tried to help them. I would have appreciated and respected what the Universe had given me. If only….
So what do we do with this? What do I do with this? The first thing I'm doing is sharing it with you. What you do with this message is up to you. However, I'm going to respect the land. I'm going to respect the forest. I'm going to listen to and communicate with the spirits of the land. I'm going to continue to bring awareness to the destruction the human population is bringing on the forests and speak out against it. Will you join me? Will you help me? Let me know in the comments if you stand with me, if you stand with Mother Gaia, if you stand with the spirits of the land.
To The Spirits of the land in Old Davis Place, I'm sorry I didn't know better at the time. I'm sorry I did not understand you or how to communicate with you. One day I will return to make things right.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestors Fire
Writing the Voices of the Unheard
