Underwater UFO Bases
Recently there has been much debate in society on the topic of whether aliens exist. But for many of us who have become awakened to a higher consciousness we know they exist and are just waiting for the time of revelation to the world.
Over the past several decades the world has set out to explore outer space. Many want to know what it is like, what it has to offer and what is out there. But I think we have so much on this planet to explore.
One area of our planet that I think we know the least about are the oceans. Why have we not tried to explore more of the oceans on this planet? If we can develop rockets and ships that can travel out into the universe, why can't we develop something to reach all areas and depths of the ocean?
Is it because we don't know how to develop or create something to explore the depths of the sea? Or is it because we chose not to? Maybe we have a treaty with a certain Galactic organization to keep us out of the oceans? Afterall Nasa was created to explore the oceans and then switched to outer space. Think about that.
Many UFO sightings occur near bodies of water. There are unexplained sonar readings, underwater craft sightings, and strange disturbances going on underneath the water.
The Malibu coast offers an intriguing possibility for an underwater base. This would be not too far from the recently famous documented navy case shown on many documentaries. Sycamore Knoll is an anomalous structure that has been studied by scientists. The 3 mile oval terrace looks like a roofed structure when viewed on Google Earth.
The coastal area around the United Kingdom is another popular area for possible UFO Bases. Many sightings of UFOs happen over this coastal area and recently a scientist announced he believes he has found a base after over 20 years of research. We will have to see what transpires from this report.
Many people believe there are more pyramids under the oceans that the aliens use to power their ships. Pyramids have been reported to have been found near Alaska, Argentina, Peru and Antarctica to name a few places.
We have to admit there are many unexplored areas of our oceans. We truly do not know what is down there. There is a great possibility our oceans are being used as bases for alien craft.
Could there possibly be cities within our oceans that have beings we do not know anything about? Could what we may think are aliens actually be beings living in cities in our oceans? Something to ponder.
Underwater UFO bases. Another journey for us to investigate.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your support.
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
