What is ADHD?
One thing that we are not able to avoid on our Spiritual journeys in this realm is sickness, disease and conditions that affect this Earthly shell we have to maintain. These conditions affect our journey and our interactions with others.
But sometimes we are programmed by this matrix that the way our shell, or even spirit in some cases, responds or acts in our everyday life may be considered as conditions, sickness or framed as bad in general.
One area that we have very little understanding or research about are “conditions” of the brain. Sometimes in this matrix when people act or respond differently than us, they are automatically labeled as sick, crazy, or have a “mental illness” . Our society does this without having the exact knowledge of how our brains function, nor on how our spirits and souls relay the experiences of past lives or parallel dimensions or reality. How can we truly label someone as mentally ill when we have no true understanding of our mentality.
This brings me to today's topic and another item that has been labeled as a “mental issue” by those who do not have a true understanding of the universe. It is easier to label someone mentally ill and push medicine on them (to make big pharma richer) than it is to really research and figure out what is going on. That is exactly what happens to people who are “diagnosed” as having ADHD.
What is society's definition of ADHD? ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is considered a brain disorder. It affects how someone pays attention, sits still, and controls their behavior. It happens in children and teens and can continue into adulthood. It is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children. ADHD can't be prevented or cured.
So there you go. Many interesting comments from the “medical” world. When I say medical, I am not necessarily referring to those who are in that profession who actually care and want to make a difference. I am referring to those in charge of the narrative that creates the stigma of sickness and division. Those who want to continue to get rich off the inaccurate programming of people. As labeled by a medical source ADHD is a mental disorder and there is no cure. First they use the word mental, which many in the programmed society consider to mean crazy. Then they say there is no cure. Why is there no cure? Has there not been enough research? Is the brain too complex for us to understand? Or do we not want people to understand the role of frequencies, dimensions, realms and other matters of the universe and how they contribute to the makeup and actions of every individual? Maybe they don’t want us to know this so that we can't figure out the programming they have us under? Maybe there is no cure because this is how we are designed to be?
Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean they are crazy, sick, mental, bad, or evil.
Someone with ADHD is different. There may be severe cases of anxiety or hyperactivity but is that ADHD or something else? I understand that there are people who have severe cases that need immediate help. I understand that there are parents who need help immediately to take care of their children to keep them safe. I'm not disputing that. But I do think the solution given is a temporary fix to “control” the situation because there is not an understanding of what is actually wrong. Parents are often confronted over medicating their child or not and it's not an easy decision but sometimes the only decision and solution offered. Regardless, someone with ADHD is different.
Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean they are crazy, sick, mental, bad or evil.
So what does society say are some of the symptoms of ADHD? Being easily distracted, doesn't follow directions, doesn't seem to be listening, doesn't pay attention or makes mistakes, forgets about daily activities, has problems organizing, doesn't like to sit still, often loses things, tends to daydream are examples of being inattentive.
Hyperactive symptoms can be squirms or widgets when sitting, doesn't stay seated, can't stay quiet, always moving, talks excessively, and always on the go. Some symptoms adults face are, being late, anxious, low self-esteem, controlling anger, impulsiveness, procrastination, easily frustrated, bored, mood swings and depression.
Are these truly symptoms or are they differences? Are we being programmed that because someone responds to a situation differently than us, or just simply acts differently than the norms provided by the matrix, then they are sick and crazy. Like I said, I know there are severe cases out there that need help, I'm looking at it in the overall categorization.
Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean they are crazy, sick, mental, bad, or evil.
It has been difficult writing this. This has been an eye opening revelation to me by the universe. I'm not a doctor. I have immediate family members who deal with this issue and the biggest concern is that because they have some of these symptoms, something is wrong with them. Something is not right with them.
We are all on our own individual journeys. We are all different. It may be gender, it may be skin pigmentation, it may be hair style, it may be language, it may be age, it may be that I can sit still and you can't, it may be I organize one way and you don't, it may be that I can pay attention and remember while you are daydreaming about running through the forest, it may be that I'm quiet and you talk all the time. We are just different. We all fight different things that our earthly shell gives us. Our brains all operate on different frequencies and we do not have the capacity to understand what that is in this dimension. But just because you may be different, or I may be different doesn't mean that either one of us is mental, crazy or sick.
The “cure” to all of this is to cut out the labels. The cure to ADHD is there is no ADHD. Differences. There are differences in how our brain frequencies act and respond. Some people's brains feed off at a higher frequency than the rest. My belief is those who have the brains that fire off at a higher frequency do not have the capability in this Earthly body to control, or understand what is going on. It is operating at a higher dimensional level that is too much for this body in this dimension which in turn causes the “symptoms'' that we are programmed to label as ADHD. Some get so bad, such as those children I mentioned earlier, that they have to be given medication to slow themselves down or it will cause destruction in this Earthly shell. It's a dimensional frequency issue. Not a mental sickness. And our society who programs us doesn't want us to look at it as such.
Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean they are crazy, sick, mental, bad or evil.
ADHD. What is it? Is it a mental sickness or a dimensional frequency issue? Or is it something else? Truth is, none of us have figured it out and until we do, we need to embrace our differences and support each other and not dumb each other down with labels.
Most of us have some form or symptom of ADHD. Some of us have more severe cases than others. These symptoms impact and control our lives sometimes and we have to work hard to figure out what is the best way to live and survive in this world. Don't look at us as being sick or crazy, but look at us as individuals who are different and learning how to live with what life has given us. This is who we are, this is what makes us the individuals we are, don't judge our differences, instead learn to understand us and help and support us on our journey.
Blessed Be!
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard

I am an adult diagnosed about 30 years ago at the age of 40 with ADD. There was no such diagnosis for the symptoms I displayed when I was a child, therefore the children of that era were completely misunderstood and left to figure out how to fit into their unprepared societies. It would be wonderful if I could go back in time to tell the “child me” to be patient, that I would one day realize why I was thought to be “different,” and how fortunate I was to be so. Now, as an adult with (a little) more control, I can see how frustrating it must have been to those whose responsibility it was to ensure conformity i…