Who Are The Feline Beings?
In today's blog we are going to learn about another being that inhabits our Universe. It's important that we learn about different beings and cultures so that we can have a better understanding of others. It only builds and strengthens our relationships with each other. The beings that we will learn about today are some of the most magnificent and strongest beings to live in our Universe. Today we are going to journey to the world of The Felines.
When most people hear the word feline they think of the domesticated house cat. Or, perhaps, they may think of the wild and the mountain lion, lion, tiger, or cheetah to name a few. But where did these creatures originate from?
There is an ancient extraterrestrial species called the Felines. They come from the Lyra star system. They can exist in the 3rd dimension up to the 12th dimension.
They have features similar to the Earth's Felines. They can be anywhere between 3 to 8 feet tall. They have high psychic, telepathic, and visionary abilities. They are in tune with various frequencies and can mold energies to change their environment.
They are one of the strongest, if not strongest, forms of extraterrestrial beings in the universe. Most other extraterrestrial beings avoid confrontation with the Felines and they help maintain order in the universe.
They are Galactic travelers and are called upon to shift energies in environments and spark creative flow and psychic abilities.
Many believe that the Felines are the original inhabitants of the earth and were involved with other extraterrestrial beings in creating the human race. They are considered to be the master geneticists of the universe and helped to create the human genome. It is also believed they built many of the ancient great cities of the Earth including Atlantis.
The Ancient Egyptians were one of many ancient cultures that had contact with and worshiped the Felines. From ancient writings and texts, hieroglyphics, and even the Sphinx, it is clear the Egyptians held the Felines in high esteem.
The Feline Beings also left a form of themselves here on Earth by creating the Feline animals that inhabit the Earth. The earth felines exhibit many of the same abilities and qualities that their predecessors have. I can even share a story of an experience that happened to me that falls in line with this theory.
One night, not long after spotting a UFO, I journeyed outside to explore my yard and the night sky. It was dark and I was enjoying listening to the sounds of the night and looking at the magnificent display of stars and planets the universe put before me. Suddenly things changed. It got quiet and I felt like I was being watched. Something wasn't right. I felt a presence within the tree line that separated my neighbor's house and my home. I knew something was there. I couldn't see it, but I felt the presence. I had to walk past this tree line to get back to my house. I walked hurriedly past as I felt like I was being followed. I rushed up the brick steps that led to my backyard. I felt like something was coming out of the trees and trying to advance towards me. As I got to the top of the stairs and turned towards my sunroom, I saw all 4 of my cats at the sliding glass door facing me. 2 of them were standing on their hind legs clawing at the door like they were trying to get out to me. For some reason I did not feel like I was being followed anymore. I got into my sunroom and went into my house and sat on my couch facing my living room window. I sat with my cats surrounding me feeling like something was staring through the window at me. My cats approached the window and I could sense whatever was there had disappeared.
The next day a hawk came and sat on the power lines in front of my house and stared at the tree line where I had sensed the presence. The hawk is one of my spirit animals and I would see it doing this every morning for the next 2 weeks.
That night when I went into my meditation, my spirit guide told me what had happened. The presence I felt were Gray alien beings who had wanted to abduct me. They were following me to my house until they saw my cats. The Grey's are afraid of the Feline Beings and are afraid of cats. They gave up their chase once they saw them. They had wanted to get into my home another way but when they saw my cats again, they gave up. The hawk was sent as extra protection to ensure they would not come out of the tree line again. The hawk remained until the Grey's left the area.
This was my experience with the Felines and the power they hold over other extraterrestrial beings. They are a very strong group of star travelers and could possibly be one of the origins of the human race.
Could you be a Lyran Feline Starseed? There are 10 possible traits of a Feline starseed. They are highly creative, fun loving, curious, capable of deep meditation, and have a profound respect for cats. They can be deeply protective and compassionate and are very organized and focused planners. They can be highly psychic and telepathic, and desire personal development. They are adventurous travelers and require comfort, harmony and solitude. If you happen to have most of these traits then you may be a Feline starseed.
The Feline Beings. Are they the creators of the human race? Did they help create ancient earthly cities? Did they have a relationship with the ancient Egyptians? Are there starseeds walking amongst us? Are they part of the Galactic Federation guarding the universe? I believe these answers will be revealed to us in the near future as we continue to awaken. They were revealed to me through my experience one summer night.
Blessed Be!
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
