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Spirits, Trees, and Drums: The Energy of the Magic Forest. #123


Spirits, Trees, and Drums: The Energy of the Magic Forest

I have had many spiritual and paranormal experiences during my journey into the magical forest. But today's journey, by far, has been the most intense. It was a journey full of different levels of energy, encounters with spirits, and voices and noises throughout the forest.

We left at sunrise to embark on a journey on our favorite mountain trail. As we traveled up the mountain on the curvy and bumpy gravel road, the sun began to peek at us as it was awakening the world to a new day. The beauty of the morning sunrise presented itself to us through the branches of the magnificent elder trees who had yet to bring forth their spring growth. The barrenness of the leafless branches allowed us a view of the sun rising above the horizon creating an explosion of radiant colors through the clouds. The site that nature put before us was gorgeous to our eyes and we wanted to stop and take a picture of it, even though the image would forever be in our minds.

Before long we arrived at the trailhead and were ready to begin our 8 mile journey through the forest. The temperatures were mild and it would be our first hike in months that we were able to begin the journey above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

As soon as we started the hike we were aware of the increased intensity of the water in the stream that runs along the trail. The increased flow of the water was contributed to by the heavy rainfall in the area the day before. The sound of the heavy current of the stream rushing over the rocks was a noise of calm and relaxation to our ears as we traveled along the trail.

My soulmate would stop at different spots to take pictures and videos of the beauty nature was providing for us. One of these spots was an area where I had met spirits of a Cherokee family before. I immediately could feel a difference in the forest. The energy level was one I had never experienced before. I looked across the stream and I could see numerous spirits walking through the woods. It looked like they were indigenous people hunting or preparing for a battle. I had never seen this many spirits at one time. I found it odd that none of them communicated with me. It was like we were in different dimensions and they couldn't see me, or could they?

We ventured further down the trail, and the longer we walked, the more spirits I saw through the forest. It had reached a point that it was beginning to drain my energy and make me very weak. I immediately looked to my left and saw a grandfather tree of the forest rising high towards the sky. I was led to this tree, it was calling me, wanting to help me.

I went over to the tree and put both hands on its trunk. I closed my eyes and began to pull energy from him. As we began to exchange energies, the grandfather tree began to speak to me. He told me that the increased water levels in the forest had increased the energy levels as well. The forest energy levels and my energy level were vibrating at the same intensity allowing the spiritual realm to be more apparent to me. He told me that this increased level was causing my energy to be drained. The spirits were able to see me and wanted to communicate with me, however I was unconsciously blocking them to protect myself from being drained.

I stood there with my hands against the tree taking in all of its energy while listening to the words it spoke to me. I closed my eyes and rested and before long I heard loud footsteps around me. I was aware of a way that spirits could communicate with you through tapping that sounded like footsteps and I immediately knew it was a spirit wanting to talk. I began reciting the letters of the alphabet and when I got to “S”, there was another tap like a foot step. I started to go through the alphabet again, but suddenly another noise came in. An airplane. An airplane was flying overhead and the noise and vibration created by the engines of the plane in the sky above shifted the energy level I was currently experiencing. Everything went away, everything changed. We humans do not understand the impact we have on nature and the spirit world. Things made by man can and will disrupt nature and the flow of energy. We need to be more conscious of the noises our creations make.

I left the Grandfather tree and traveled with my soulmate farther into the forest. We arrived at a place in the forest, a couple of miles in, that looked like it had been previously cleared and people use it as a campsite. We had found some type of water pipe running along part of this trail on one of our prior hikes. Today I discovered what looks like a large old metal nail or spike and a similar looking screw. I also found a large metal washer. It appears they had been buried under the ground for a long period of time and their sudden appearance was due to the erosion of the increased water runoff from the heavy rains. As my soulmate and I stood there discussing how old they could be and if this could be an old mining site, we heard noises out in the woods. These noises would turn out to be the sounds of someone beating on drums. You could tell they were not of anything of this time and perhaps were being played by the spirits I had seen. This was not the first time we had heard the sounds of drums in this forest and we would hear them several more times on this hike. We would also hear voices coming from the forest on this journey. There were no other hikers around and we have learned to tell the difference between “forest” voices and the sounds of other hikers in the woods.

As our journey continued along the mountain trail, I had moved farther ahead of my soulmate who had stopped to take some pictures. I arrived at the part of the journey where we needed to crossover the stream to continue hiking up the mountain. Before I crossed the stream, I stopped to take in my surroundings. The mountain sloped up to my right and the stream was to my left. I suddenly heard the noise of a branch breaking up the slope of the mountain to my right. A loud crashing sound started coming through the forest towards me. I stood very still and tried to observe what was coming at me. Suddenly a large rock came rolling out of the forest, rolling across the trail right in front of my feet and came to a rest on another rock in the stream. I quickly turned my gaze from the rock back up the mountain slope to see if I could see what was there to cause the rock to fall. I could not see anything. Even crazier was the fact that there was no other noise. It was complete silence in the forest. What caused the rock to fall and cross my path? I could not verify any type of animal. Was it the erosion from the rain? Or was it something spiritual? I wish I would have taken a closer look at the rock to see if there was something on it that I was supposed to find. My soulmate caught up to me at this point, I explained to her what had happened and then we journeyed on.

It had been an amazing experience that the forest had given us so far, but it wasn't complete yet. As we arrived at the top of the mountain and began to journey down towards the Vista, I was staring at the trail looking at rocks while I was walking. My soulmate had moved along the trail farther down from me and had not been in my sight for some time. As I was staring at these rocks on the trail, my eyes caught a glimpse of legs in front of me. It was a really quick vision of bare legs, from the knees down. These legs walked out of the forest, across the trail, and back into the forest. I looked up quickly and saw nothing. My soulmate was nowhere in sight and she was wearing pants and would not go into the forest without me. There were no other hikers on the trail. What did I see? Perhaps another indigenous person walking in the forest?

We arrived at the Vista, enjoyed the view and began our journey back out of the forest. By the time we headed down, the forest trail had become more active with other hikers and the energy level of the forest had returned to normal. There would not be any more spiritual encounters today, but we had already experienced enough for a lifetime.

I am always excited for our journeys in the magical forest and the life lessons it brings. I enjoy meeting different spirits and being able to talk to the trees. This was an amazing Spiritual journey. They are not all like this, and that is what makes each one special.

Until the next one…..


By Michael Walters

The Ancestor'sFire

Writing the voices of the unheard

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Rebekah Walters
Mar 19, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It was an amazing experience and I'm glad to have experienced it with you ❤️

Mar 19, 2024
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Thank you! I am glad you are beside of me on this journey!

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The Ancestor's Fire Hiking Adventures 


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