I Channeled a Powhatan Spirit.
I have had many experiences with many different spirits during my meditations. This blog is going to detail an experience I had this past summer. During my meditation a Powhatan man came to me and wanted to speak. I knew he wanted to talk through me so I began to write what he was saying. What follows are the words he spoke:
“My name is Tintoktu. I want people to know the Powhatan were a peaceful people. We had beautiful land. We respected the Earth and cared for it. We only took what was needed and used all of what we took. Then the white man came. We tried to be peaceful. We wanted to share. There was plenty for everyone. But we watched him. We could tell his words were lies. We could tell he was not good. Then he started taking what he didn't need. He started hurting the land and hurting our people. When I say our , I'm talking to you, you are one of us. Then more white men came. This time they had slaves. If they already were making slaves of men who had dark skin, what would they do to our people. We were getting ready to fight, to protect what is ours, to protect our freedom. Think about that. The people of this land who call themselves patriots, say it's the land of the free and the brave. That this country you call America was founded on that. No. You must tell them. This country was founded on massacre. It was founded on taking the rights and freedom from the free and brave indigenous people who inhabited the land before them. If these ruling people took the freedom and rights from us, and enslaved people, what do you think they will do to you now. That's my warning. That's why I'm speaking to you. Let people know to not trust the rulers. To not trust the man with money. I could not fight. I lost my life to another thing the white man brought. Disease. My friend, let people know. The ruling White man has not changed. They are the same now as before. They will take your rights. They will take your land. They will take your freedom. They will spread disease. All of these things are still happening. And will continue to happen as long as you allow it. Awake. Awake people before it's too late. Awake. Awake. Stand up before it's too late. Good bye friend. Thank you for being my vessel, my voice. Until we meet again. “
I think it is very important to share my spiritual experiences with others. It is very important for me to share the experience when the spirit specifically expresses to me to share it with others. Specifically when they are expressing to awake and to stand up.
I have completed part of my responsibility of sharing the word of the Powhatan man. Now I'm responsible to carry on his mission. We must awaken, stand up and make a difference in the world. Will you join me?
Blessed Be!
By Michael Walters
The Ancestor's Fire
Writing the voices of the unheard
